The Youth Group Transitions to FCS: A word from the youth director

The Youth Group Transitions to FCS: A word from the youth director

The Youth Group Transitions to FCS: A word from the youth director

[Last week we announced that our South Atlanta Youth Program is transitioning this month to the leadership of our partners in the South Atlanta neighborhood, FCS.  This is a post from the director of the Youth Group, Michelle Witherspoon, reflecting on her time with REMERGE and the transition to FCS.] I remember like it was […]

A New Beginning: Michelle and the South Atlanta Youth Group

A New Beginning: Michelle and the South Atlanta Youth Group

I remember the first time I met Michelle. She had recently moved to the historic South Atlanta neighborhood and was looking for a place to serve. We were introduced at a coffee shop run by a local community development corporation called Focused Community Strategies (FCS), and I suggested, as is REMERGE’s way, that she come […]