Sweet Auburn Outreach

For community to be truly welcoming and inclusive, all members – even the most vulnerable – should know that they have a place at the table. Through regular connections, we foster relationships between neighbors of a variety of means and backgrounds that affirms each persons inherent dignity. Through these relationships we are able to build the trust necessary to holistically address critical needs and to support personal wellness and growth.

Community Building

Joining lives is the heart of Remerge. We offer regular weekly programs that are open to anyone who would like to build relationships with their neighbors. 

  • Open House is held Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Remerge Community Hub (340 Auburn Avenue NE) from 10-1pm.
  • Art Connections is held on Thursdays at the Remerge Community Hub from 10-12pm.

If you’re interested in participating or sponsoring any of our programs you can contact us at admin@remerge.org.

Outreach and Stability

In addition to our relationship building programs, we provide several programs designed to directly assist our most vulnerable neighbors including those experiencing homelessness, women on the streets and seniors.  These programs include…

  • Women of Worth – a small group program offering support for women.
  • Parish Walks/Wellness Checks – daily presence and walks around our neighborhood connecting with those living on the streets.
  • Emergency Relief – providing direct services — emergency shelter, food, substance rehabilitation, clothing — for those with acute needs.
  • Remerge Empowerment Program – assisting those in need with connecting to services and navigating the social safety net.
  • Direct Services Network – bringing together other agencies to coordinate services.