Giving Grace

The Giving Grace network serves vulnerable persons that have acute needs which threaten them with displacement and the loss of meaningful connections.

Our goal is to ensure they can maintain a healthy, secure presence in the community to give them the best chance of success moving forward. Our efforts are geared toward single-parent families, persons experiencing homelessness, and the extremely poor.

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Our relational approach is simple:

  • Financial or in-kind assistance for community members facing acute emergency needs.
  • A support and sustainability plan is created with the community-member to help move them beyond the need.
  • Network members and/or staff walk alongside the community-member to offer ongoing support and encouragement.

How it Started

In 2012, Christy Betz, a volunteer with Remerge, had a simple but profound idea:

“What if I rallied my friends and friends-of-friends to respond directly to the needs of my friends in the Remerge community?”

Rather than fundraising for a broad social challenge, such as ending homelessness, Christy started to ask her friends to help a particular friend of hers with an immediate, solvable need. One by one, needs of the Remerge community were being met, while another community was becoming more familiar with the stories and challenges facing those in less resourced environments than theirs. From this spark, Giving Grace was born, and to this day personal connection and personal response remains the center-piece of Giving Grace.

Our 2023 Impact

Our team and network members continue to exceed expectations in practically loving our most vulnerable neighbors.


Total Direct Services

Number of Families Served