In John 1:23 John the baptist said “I am a voice shouting in the wilderness, “Clear the way for the Lord’s coming!” Holy Bible, NLT.
I read this a few mornings ago and the question came to me, “am I doing as John the Baptist did?” Am I letting people know about Jesus? What He did for me, for all of us? Am I letting people know through words and actions that Jesus is still alive, still at work, and still coming back?
I’m not sure I can say an absolute yes to the questions. But it’s also important to understand that apart from Christ, I can do nothing. So we are to be telling the good news of Christ, ‘and’ He will empower us to do so. We just have to be willing servants, with the courage and faith that is ours through his spirit.
So I’ve already admitted that I’m falling short in this command. So how about you? Are you shouting it out in words, deeds, and actions? I think we all do well in some areas and fall short in others. In what ways do you show Christ to those around you? We can all learn from each other.
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