Members of the United States Navy serve the homeless at Dorothy’s Soup Kitchen in Salinas, California (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many well meaning people out there that decide to give of their time on occasion. They may serve at a soup kitchen, give out lunch bags in an inner city park, hand out clothes, etc. It’s kind of like a kinder, gentler drive by.
But we are not called to occasional service. We are called to a complete giving of ourselves to Jesus and His mission. God does not want spare parts from any of us, he wants the whole enchilada. He calls us to serve the human being, not the idea or their condition. Passing out the occasional sandwich is good, but it misses the mark. It is the heart and soul of a person we are after. Winning a person to Christ has eternal consequences. A sandwich for the sake of a sandwich is forgotten in short order.
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Church on the Street
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