Yesterday was another good day at Saturday on the Streets. Some of you may have seen the pictures on the Church on the Street Facebook Fanpage . If not, then they include pictures of a group making snow cones for the homeless.
At first glance, you may be thinking to yourself, why is Church on the Street passing out snow cones? Don’t the homeless need hot lunches, nutritional meals? The answer is yes, they do need hot meals. And those meals are provided by various organizations on a daily basis. Including by COTS when needed.
But there’s more that the homeless need other than just food. They need to know that somewhere cares. They need to know that God still cares. I saw something new with the snow cones today. The homeless men and women that came were not just stopping by to get food and keep moving. I saw joy on their faces. The snow cones were new. They were something that the homeless won’t see on a normal day. More than anything, they were conversation starters. Which, at the end of the day, that’s what we want. We want to do more than run a soup kitchen. The mission of COTS is to build a relationship with as many homeless as we can and then offer them the tools and assistance to reclaim their lives.
If a snow cone will save a life, then a snow cone we shall use. 🙂
By the way, if you would like to ‘like’ the Church on the Street Fanpage, here’s the link:
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