I guess any of us that work with the homeless just assume that we’re doing all of the giving.  We’re out there trying to reach as many of them as we can and hopefully show them the way out.  But I learned this Saturday that it’s a two way street.

A week or so ago I spent quite a while setting in the park talking to a homeless gentleman.  We found that we both had been in the Army and we spent a long time talking about the places we had been, things we had done, etc.  Just two soldiers sharing war stories.  It came up in the conversation that my son Jordan has enlisted in the Army and will soon be on his way.

After we had talked for a while, we said our goodbyes until next time and parted ways.  I prayed for him that week.  Little did I know that he was praying for me and my son as well.  This Saturday morning he came and found me.  He said “Aren’t you the one with the son going into the Army?”  “That’s me” I said.  “I just want you to know that I’ve been praying for him, please tell him for me.”

And with that I was stunned.  A man who quite literally has nothing but the clothes on his back took the time and thought to remember me and my son in his prayers.  A gentle reminder from God that we all have something to give, no matter where we may be at the moment.


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