- admin@remerge.org
The following resources are a starting point (and by no means an exhaustive list) for your journey towards reconciliation and community building.
Steven Garber helps the reader to take a penetrating and honest look at the world. While challenging us to avoid cynicism, he encourages us, for the sake of love, to embrace our responsibility to contribute to the welfare and flourishing of the world through a renewed vision of vocation.
This book is one of the few business books that actually provides a tremendous amount of practical help. Whether you are an existing business seeking to tighten up your operations or a new non-profit not sure where to begin building an organization, this book presents tools and insights you’ll use.
At Remerge we are constantly asking ourselves if we are actually doing what we say we are doing. This book provides processes and tools to gauge if you are on track, both with impact and sustainability, while also helping you to make strategic decisions moving forward.
Drawing on theological reflection and personal encounter with warfare in the Balkans, Volf demonstrates the many ways exclusion of the “other” contributes to perpetuating violence. He then helps us to move toward reimagining and realizing a new community of former enemies.
For those interested in the hard work of reconciliation that takes actual form in the world, one would be hard pressed to find a better teacher to begin with than John Perkins. From the “why” to the “how” this book is a precious resource.
In order to engage in reconciliation and build communities of peace we must recover to ancient practice of hospitality. Christine Pohl helps us to deeply and concretely understand this central, yet difficult commitment of welcoming strangers
If you’re a Christian interested in reconciliation and justice, but haven’t yet dug deep into how the built environment impacts these pursuits, then this is the place to begin. Jacobsen will help you to understand the built environment from a theological perspective and why it matters. He then provides insights into how to participate and engage in the built world around you in faithful ways.
Charles Montgomery provides a master class in urban design in this one book. Can the way we design our cities affect our happiness? This book answers with an emphatic and convincing “yes” by showing you how.
If our desire is to be a part of diverse communities and churches then this book is a great place for you to start understanding how geography adds barriers to fully realizing this hope and the practical steps to start moving towards more inclusive places.
“Why has Christianity, a religion premised upon neighborly love, failed in its attempts to heal social divisions?” Jennings traces how we arrived at this world of great division and provides a vision for how we might imagine new ways of being one. Jennings work is very dense and rigorous, so be sure to mentally prepare yourself before digging in.
Jemar Tisby takes the church on an unflinching journey to examine its history of racism within our own institutions. He then suggests how the church may create more faithful practices moving forward.
If you’ve ever wondered how cities became so racially segregated and why it’s still predominantly still the case today, this book provides your answer. Richard Rothstein takes a close look at how all levels of government imposed racial segregation on cities and neighborhoods across the country and why it still persists today.
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