New Video
New Video
Sorry we’ve been absent for so long. It’s been pretty intense on the streets lately and I haven’t had much time to write. I’ll soon correct that. In the meantime check out this newly released promotional video from Church on the Street. [youtube=] Be back soon, Pastor Andy
Hello, COTS
Since I may be posting here from time to time, and hope to make some kind of ongoing contribution to Church on the Street and discussion about the meaning of its work, I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself to all COTS supporters and other persons who happen across this site. My name […]
It Does Happen Like This Everyday…
I recently wrote to you about a couple and their infant child that we helped get into an apartment: Greg, Kim and little Jeremiah. They were the victims of downsizing and that is what started their difficulties. A long story short, after many struggles, they ended up living in a shady, cheap hotel and that […]
Ponderosa on the Streets of Atlanta
Two nights ago in the middle of the night the police were out in force rounding up the homeless who were sleeping under the bridges or in the parking lots. Two choices: move on or be arrested. The first begs the question, “Move on to where?” There are not enough beds in Atlanta for the […]