Third Cohort of Launchpad Kick-off

Third Cohort of Launchpad Kick-off

We just kicked off our third cohort of Launchpad. The program supports economically vulnerable female entrepreneurs who are ready to take their small business or side hustles from surviving to thriving. We’re excited to see how these women and their businesses grow!

Tony or The Art of Reconciliation: a 20 for 20 story

Tony or The Art of Reconciliation: a 20 for 20 story

[In celebration of 20 years of service we are collecting 20 stories of people and events that helped to shape REMERGE. #20for20. This story was contributed by our ColorATL director and Community Museum curator, William Massey. We invite you to contribute a gift in celebration to honor this milestone.] I remember the look on Tony’s face when […]

This is in my DNA

This is in my DNA

By Dan Crain with the contribution of Be the Bridge members, Corregan Brown and Brodie Ballard.   Last year a diverse group of eight men set out on a journey. Four men of color and four white men journeyed deep through Latasha Morrison’s Be the Bridge training. What as supposed to a nine-week study during […]

The Wilderness Strips You

The Wilderness Strips You

Loving Freely is a resource developed by Dan Crain, Pastor, Consultant and Connector for REMERGE. Loving Freely unpacks the need for us to examine ourselves in order to truly know how to love and serve others as the beloved children of God. The process is spelled out through the Loving Freely Process and able to be […]

Resources on Race for White Evangelicals

Resources on Race for White Evangelicals

Last year, I (Dan Crain) put together a list of resources for a Christian man who’s white to help understand race. These are all resources that have been helpful to me on my journey. Please feel free to provide feedback and any other resources that you’ve found helpful as we follow Jesus into His New […]

Loving Freely Prayer

Loving Freely Prayer

Loving Freely is a resource developed by Dan Crain, Pastor, Consultant and Connector for REMERGE. Loving Freely unpacks the need for us to examine ourselves in order to truly know how to love and serve others as the beloved children of God. The process is spelled out through the Loving Freely Process and able to be […]

Blinded by the White

Blinded by the White

By, Pastor Allen Hoskyn from Lawrenceville, GA. He’s a member of the Community of Reconcilers   Blinded by the White   How could I forget?  For weeks images flashed.  Smells pungent and revulsive captured my imagination.  The terror, the fear a borrowed memory rippling like a wave of electricity from the pit of my stomach […]

Walmart and Island of Peace

Walmart and Island of Peace

Loving Freely is a resource developed by Dan Crain, Pastor, Consultant and Connector for REMERGE. Loving Freely unpacks the need for us to examine ourselves in order to truly know how to love and serve others as the beloved children of God. The process is spelled out through the Loving Freely Process and able to be […]

Loving Freely Seven

Loving Freely Seven

Loving Freely is a resource developed by Dan Crain, Pastor, Consultant and Connector for REMERGE. Loving Freely unpacks the need for us to examine ourselves in order to truly know how to love and serve others as the beloved children of God. The process is spelled out through the Loving Freely Process and able to be […]



Loving Freely is a resource developed by Dan Crain, Pastor, Consultant and Connector for REMERGE. Loving Freely unpacks the need for us to examine ourselves in order to truly know how to love and serve others as the beloved children of God. The process is spelled out through the Loving Freely Process and able to be […]