- admin@remerge.org
Central to our mission is breaking down the dividing walls between persons, cultivating friendship with those the world ignores, and fostering dignity in the dehumanized. We do this by sharing, praying, advising, listening, teaching and providing spiritual care. But we also do this by playing together. Sometimes we play chess or checkers, other times we kick the soccer ball around or […]
I have just returned from speaking engagements and meetings. Although these opportunities give me the chance to share about what God is doing through Church on the Street and to encourage the church to love the least of their neighbors, it also takes me away from my friends on the streets. Today I had a bit of time […]
In it’s simplest form, here is the mission of Church on the Street: Living For And With Our Most Vulnerable Neighbors. So who are the most vulnerable? If you know anything about our mission you know that the homeless are near the top of the list. But our mission goes further than that. Here is […]
Yesterday was another good day at Saturday on the Streets. Some of you may have seen the pictures on the Church on the Street Facebook Fanpage . If not, then they include pictures of a group making snow cones for the homeless. At first glance, you may be thinking to yourself, why is Church […]
Kelli is a heroin addict and a prostitute. She does sexual favors for cigarettes. She has been enslaved by sex traffickers, abused by her alcoholic father, and written off as useless by the world. She is a high school drop-out, yet surprisingly intelligent and articulate. She is ashamed of herself, yet knows there is something […]