- admin@remerge.org
We had a busy week. We had our open house a few days ago. We were able to share what we do with some local people and businesses. We helped a lady and her daughter get into transitional housing. Helped 2 other women get off the street and return to the families. Helped another […]
We had a good first day of our open house. It was definitely a good time to get some early spring cleaning done. We are hoping that tomorrow’s open house time will be even better because its on a Saturday. We will have our regular time in the park followed by open house hours.
I got to meet Vesta today. I’ve heard a lot of great things about her, but I had not gotten the chance to meet her. Vesta was living life on the street when she and Pastor Andy met. During some of that time she was also pregnant. I can’t really put into words what it […]
I pulled into the parking lot at Church on the Street this morning to find one of the homeless members of our community busy working on cleaning up the parking lot. He had his rake, leaf blower and dust pan and he was working up a storm. I really can’t tell you how awesome that […]
I was in the Church on the Street office today. I was basically in my own world working on some social media things. I was listening to the guys, and a couple of ladies, in the kitchen. I had the thought that I should ask Pastor Andy which are homeless and which are volunteers. […]
I talk to as many people as I can about the mission of Church on the Street. This question almost always comes up: “what do you do?” It’s a valid question, but a little off the mark. Do we ‘do’ things at Church on the Street? Yes, for instance we have a Saturdays on the […]
In it’s simplest form, here is the mission of Church on the Street: Living For And With Our Most Vulnerable Neighbors. So who are the most vulnerable? If you know anything about our mission you know that the homeless are near the top of the list. But our mission goes further than that. Here is […]