Thankful Day with the Homeless

Thankful Day with the Homeless

I have just returned from speaking engagements and meetings.  Although these opportunities give me the chance to share about what God is doing through Church on the Street and to […]

Who are the most vulnerable?

In it’s simplest form, here is the mission of Church on the Street: Living For And With Our Most Vulnerable Neighbors.  So who are the most vulnerable?  If you know […]

When the homeless pray for you

I guess any of us that work with the homeless just assume that we’re doing all of the giving.  We’re out there trying to reach as many of them as […]

Why are the homeless so sleepy?

Have you ever wondered why you see so many homeless people sleeping in the middle of the day?  I know that for many of us, me included, our first response […]

Homeless in the Capital

Jodi and I are in Washington D.C. for a few days.  We were walking from our hotel to find dinner a little earlier.  We are just a couple of blocks […]

When the light walks in the darkness flees

My wife, Jodi, and I were down at the park with the rest of the crew this weekend for Saturdays on the Street.  We were all standing around at the […]

Are homeless people a problem?

San Francisco has a new program they’re rolling out to combat homelessness [Atlanta has already instituted this program].  They’re called homeless meters.  They’re just like parking meters except the money […]

The forgettable homeless

As some of you may or may not know, I help Pastor Andy and Church on the Street with their social media efforts.  That means that I contribute to this […]

Symptoms and Diseases

I have been reading this great book called Begging for Change by Robert Egger.  He is the founder of the DC Central Kitchen.  The book is a strong critique of […]

Word of the day: Homeless

I wish we didn’t have the word homeless in our vocabulary.  Obviously, I wish it was because homelessness didn’t exist, but since it does I wish there was another way […]